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A Letter From The Executive Director

Dear Saint Vincent’s Day Home Community,

I am thrilled to bring you the latest updates from our vibrant community. May was a month brimming with joy, learning, and togetherness. Our celebrations, educational activities, and community events truly highlighted the spirit of our mission and the strength of our community.

Dive into this newsletter to catch up on all the wonderful events and initiatives we had in May:

  • Mother’s Day Celebration: We expressed our love and gratitude with flowers and heartfelt activities from the children.
  • AAPI Heritage Month: We celebrated with cultural stories and art, fostering inclusivity and appreciation.
  • Mental Health Awareness Month: Parent workshops on emotional regulation reinforced our commitment to mental well-being.
  • Annual Move-A-Thon: Promoting physical fitness and raising funds for our health and wellness programs.
  • Teacher Appreciation: Honoring our educators with tokens of gratitude, breakfast surprises, and heartfelt messages.

On a personal note, I had the privilege of attending my son’s college graduation from Amherst College in Massachusetts. This was a moment of pride and joy for our family!

As we enter June, we look forward to celebrating Father’s Day, Juneteenth, and LGBTQ+ Pride Month. Check out the pictures and details below to see all we accomplished in May.


Alexandra Hilario
Executive Director

May Day Home Highlights

In May, the Day Home radiated with a blend of celebration and advocacy. As we honored Mother’s Day, children engaged in heartfelt activities to express gratitude for the nurturing figures in their lives. Simultaneously, we embraced the richness of AAPI Heritage Month, immersing ourselves in cultural exploration through storytelling and art. Moreover, Mental Health Awareness Month prompted parent workshops and discussions centered around emotional regulation in children, fostering empathy and support within our community. As part of our commitment to ensuring the well-being of every child, the Move-A-Thon took center stage, not only promoting physical activity but also supporting our health and wellness programs at SVDH through fundraising efforts.

Staff Highlight

I have been working as a Family Services Associate for over 10 years. I was born and raised in Oakland, and I absolutely love what I do. My role as a Family Services Associate involves guiding families through the enrollment process, answering their questions, and addressing any concerns they may have. It brings me great joy to assist families in the enrollment process. The feeling of relief that parents experience when they know their children will be accepted into one of our classrooms is incredibly rewarding.

Teacher Appreciation Week

Celebrating Our Dedicated Teachers

During Teacher Appreciation Week, we celebrated our wonderful educators by passing out flowers, brightening their day with a token of our gratitude. From bagels to donuts and breakfast surprises galore, this week was all about celebrating our amazing teachers with a bit of extra love each day! Plus, our appreciation note station was filled with heartfelt messages from parents/caregivers and staff alike. Thank you for all you do!

Library News

Latest Updates From Our Library

How time flies! We’re almost at the end of the school year! This month, I will put out three main displays: Father’s Day, Summer, and Pride Month. I will place the books about Juneteenth at the front of the summer display. Additionally, I will create a collection of books about school and starting in a new class.

Father’s Day is June 16th, and we have many books about fathers, grandfathers, uncles, and other men who care for and nurture our children. Some stories feature animal characters, but the message is the same. Summer begins on June 20th, and I usually display books about how summer is warmer and a time to be outdoors more. There are stories about hiking, camping, visiting relatives, gardening, and playing in the water, among other activities.

June is also Pride Month. While stories with different gender identities can be read throughout the year, this is a time to gather many of these books together. These stories explore different kinds of families, the names or pronouns people prefer, and various ways people choose to dress.

Finally, as the next few months will be a time of graduation, new teachers and classrooms, and new children at the Day Home, I will compile a collection of stories about school, making new friends, and the changes that can happen. Let me know if there are particular kinds of stories you would like.

Ms. Kristi & Ms. Esther

Mother’s Day

Children Crafting Love

For Mother’s Day, the children created beautiful arts and crafts as gifts for their mothers. They poured their creativity and love into making personalized cards, hand-painted flower pots, and charming keepsakes. These thoughtful handmade gifts brought smiles to the mothers’ faces, showcasing the children’s appreciation and affection for the nurturing figures in their lives!

Harvest Day

Nature’s Bounty Shared

Harvest Day was a delightful event where children and their families gathered to harvest herbs and fruits from our school garden. Participants enjoyed exploring the garden, selecting fresh herbs like basil, mint, rosemary and ripe fruits such as strawberries and blueberries to take home. It was a hands-on learning experience for the children, connecting them with nature and teaching them about the joy of growing and harvesting their food. The event fostered a sense of community as families worked together, bonding over the bountiful harvest and the joy of gardening.

AAPI Diversity Month

Unity In Diversity

AAPI Heritage Month was commemorated with various educational activities. The children engaged in learning about the rich diversity and contributions of Asian American and Pacific Islander communities through storytelling, arts and crafts, and music. Families were also encouraged to share their own heritage and traditions, fostering a deeper appreciation and understanding of AAPI cultures within the community. The month served as an opportunity to promote inclusivity and celebrate the vibrant tapestry of cultures represented at the Day Home.

Move-A-Thon Recap

Fun Fitness Community

During our Move-A-Thon event, the children enjoyed a fun-filled day of various activities such as dancing, soccer, and obstacle courses, all aimed at encouraging active lifestyles. The event not only fostered a sense of community spirit but also raised funds to support health and wellness programs at the Day Home. Congratulations to the Dragonflies class for raising the most funds! A special thank you to the Oakland Roots players for their time and enthusiasm! Players from the Oakland Roots soccer team joined us to teach soccer drills, adding an extra layer of excitement for everyone involved.

Community Partnerships

Bread & Roses Presents: Celebrating 50 years!

Bread & Roses Presents is a nonprofit arts organization that brings hope, healing, and joy through live music and performing arts to disadvantaged, marginalized, or isolated individuals in institutional settings across the San Francisco Bay Area. Their mission is to serve diverse audiences like children, adults, and seniors by providing over 500 institutional shows annually with the help of 1,000+ volunteers. Thank you, Bread & Roses Presents! Your commitment to uplifting our community’s children through the power of music is truly inspiring. We’re honored to celebrate this milestone with you and grateful for your unwavering support in our shared mission of nurturing young hearts. Here’s to five decades of making a difference through music, and to many more to come!

“Bread & Roses performances captivate children with a delightful blend of clowns, magicians, bubble artists, and musicians, evoking sheer joy, which is evident on their faces. Retaining the attention of young children is challenging, but Bread & Roses uniquely engages our children, offering a rare opportunity for artistic exposure. Through their performances, our children are introduced to the enriching world of art and entertainment, laying a foundation for lifelong appreciation and creativity.”  – Alexandra Hilario, Executive Director


A CalHOPE Program by Brightline. 

BrightLife Kids is here! For those quick parenting questions or for ongoing support working through a bigger issue, BrightLife Kids is here to help. This no-cost program is for kids ages 0–12 who live in California. Coaching is done in private, 1:1 video sessions and via secure chat. Families are matched with a dedicated coach, so there’s no starting over each time. And families also have access to on-demand digital resources like articles and videos that can help between sessions.


We extend our heartfelt gratitude to BrightLife for their valuable presence at our Meet & Mingle event in May, where they introduced their program to parents, fostering a fantastic partnership. Get started at today!

Family Paths

Empower Your Parenting Jounrey

Join us on Wednesday, June 12th from 3:30 – 4:30pm for an enlightening workshop presented by Family Paths. Family Paths, a nonprofit organization dedicated to strengthening family relationships and fostering healthy development in children, will provide mental health tools and support services for parents and caregivers. In our commitment to holistic family care, we believe that equipping families with the necessary resources and knowledge is essential. Don’t miss this valuable opportunity to enhance your family’s well-being!




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